Calorie calculator and food products database
Set a daily calories and macronutrients goal
Search food products by name or kodziekreskowym
Create your own products and dishes
Access to statistics and history
Calorie calculator with ability to create own products and dishes
Program your own training plan, choose the exercises and log your workouts with sets
Browse your history and detailed statistics about your diet and trainings
Set a daily calories and macronutrients goal
Search food products by name or kodziekreskowym
Create your own products and dishes
Access to statistics and history
Create your own trainings
Choose exercises or create your own
Login a workout for a particular day with the number of sets, repetitions and weights
Access to statistics and history
Check the history of your macronutrients and water
Track your progress for each workout and exercise
Full history for all logged exercises with charts
Even more detailed analysis - soon
Note your body measurements and weight regularly
Compare the body measurements agains the weight